Sweet Citrus Fruit
The vivid orange color, and sweet taste of California Navel Oranges can be attributed to the growing climate of the San Joaquin Valley in Central California. This seedless fruit is juicy, full of flavor, and easy to peel.
Depending on the size and availability each carton will weigh between 19 and 21 lbs and will have either 44 or 48 oranges.

Navel Oranges

Rio Red Grapefruit
California Rio Red Grapefruit is truly “GREATFRUIT”. Unlike most grapefruit, it’s deep red body is sweet to the taste. This thin-skinned fruit is so delicious you can peel it and eat it like an orange!
Depending on the size and availability each carton will weigh between 19 and 21 lbs and will have either either 20, 24, or 28 grapefruit.